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Cake Smash (Mini) - Weekdays Only


Cake smashes are a wonderful way to celebrate your little one's birthday! These birthday sessions are perfect for children up to the age of 3.

All our cake smash packages include:
Pre-session consultation to discuss your portrait session: wardrobe, location, etc.
The time & talent of the photographer
Your choice of digital images or professional prints
Professionally retouched images
An online portrait gallery for you to view your images (password protected).

The Cake Smash Mini session also includes the following:
- 20 minutes session
- access to our client closet and props
- 1 backdrop and 1 outfit (client's choice)

Your choice of either:
3 digital images


3 5x7 prints.

*Mini cake smashes are only available on weekdays.

*Mini cake smashes do not include the cake

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