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Prom Sessions (Deposit Only)


Prom sessions will take place from late May until the end of June. All of our prom sessions take place outdoors using our beautiful city as a backdrop. We will work with you to find a location that suits the style of prom photos you're looking for.

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Pre-session consultation to discuss your portrait session: wardrobe, location, etc.Β 
The time & talent of the photographer
Your choice of digital images or professional prints
Access to our grad gowns
Professionally retouched images
An online portrait gallery for you to view your images (password protected).Β 

Our prom sessions also include:
15-20 minute session
5 digital images
2 Luxury 5x7 keepsake photos

Once your session has been booked we will contact you to schedule your date and time. Studio sessions are available at any time. Outdoor sessions will begin in May.

The Session Fee is $150 with $50 required to book your time.